Have you ever gone to a restaurant and had a good meal with good service, and then when it comes time to tip you think to yourself how much of a tip you should leave? Sometimes you have two amounts in your head, and depending on how generous you feel that day, you decide to leave amount A or you leave amount B. The difference between the two are very minor and it’s nothing that […]
Jim Rohn is a name I had not heard of prior to reading The Compound Effect by Success Magazines’s founder, Darren Hardy. He mentions Rohn over and over throughout the book and makes it very clear that the influence he had on his life was profound. In the last month or so, I’ve been reading a lot of quotes by Jim Rohn and reading about his life. Today would have been his 85th birthday, so […]
It’s so easy to get caught up in the daily grind and go from your bed to the shower, and the shower to getting dressed, and straight to your car and off to work. We live in this rushed world where even a cup of coffee in the morning is consumed on the way to work, as opposed to sitting on the back porch and enjoying your morning cup of Joe. We’ve become trapped in […]
We know that we want to make a change in our lives and that we want to reach great levels of success, but unless you understand the importance of finding your why and the importance of knowing why we want to reach our goals, we are adrift in an endless ocean with no land in sight. Finding your “WHY” is one of the most important steps to accomplishing the goals that you set out to achieve. […]
[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4Afr5XZPJ8[/embedyt] Napoleon Hill spent 20 years researching some of the most successful and wealthy people in the world. What he found was that thoughts are things, and through the power of believing, one can achieve their desires. Look hard enough and you just may find the secrets to success! If you’re serious about having a better life and are looking for the ULTIMATE book for success, this is it. Seriously, if there’s one book […]
I first discovered Elliott Hulse a couple of years ago while looking for some fitness information, and after watching his videos for a bit I began to notice that he not only talked about fitness, weightlifting tips and yolked power-lifting type of stuff. He talked about the mental approach to succeeding in life, and talked about things much deeper than ‘How to Squat 500-Pounds.” At the time I discovered Elliott online I was stuck in […]