I’m not sure if people are serious when they say “Happy Monday,” or if there’s a serious tongue-in-cheek bit of sarcasm going on there, but one of my goal’s in this world is to be able to say it with 100% conviction. There’s no reason for us to live this life and have a throw-away type of a day. It’s almost as if we have become pre-conditioned to dislike even hearing the word Monday. The […]
Don’t Worry Be Happy
Do you ever find that sometimes life gets in the way of life? We spend so much time focusing on what’s next and what our next task will be, that oftentimes we forget to slow down a bit and focus on what’s important in life. We work to pay our bills, raise families, support ourselves, but in the long run when all is said and done, we forget that we are living our life on […]
Have you ever gone to a restaurant and had a good meal with good service, and then when it comes time to tip you think to yourself how much of a tip you should leave? Sometimes you have two amounts in your head, and depending on how generous you feel that day, you decide to leave amount A or you leave amount B. The difference between the two are very minor and it’s nothing that […]
If you’ve never heard of The Traveler’s Gift by Andy Andrews, let today be the day that all of that changes. This book had been sitting in my bookcase for nine months or so, but I had not bothered to pick it up and read it. The other day I came out into my living room, and there it was just sitting on the floor in front of the bookcase. It’s like it was looking […]
It’s amazing how things change over the course of your life. Sometimes change seems to come at you like a freight train, while other times it’s a slow process that you don’t realize until you look in the mirror one day and notice it. It’s like noticing those grey hairs that seem to have appeared out of nowhere! One thing I’ve noticed is that a lot of people make drastic changes in five years time. […]