We know that we want to make a change in our lives and that we want to reach great levels of success, but unless you understand the importance of finding your why and the importance of knowing why we want to reach our goals, we are adrift in an endless ocean with no land in sight. Finding your “WHY” is one of the most important steps to accomplishing the goals that you set out to achieve. […]
Fear will stop you directly in your tracks and act like a form of quicksand. There will be no progress, and you will find yourself trapped without ever moving forward. Fear will not stop me. Fear will not stop you. Live your life the way it was meant to be lived. Go out and find your purpose in life and stop conforming to the rules of the world. If you could live your life without […]
[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4Afr5XZPJ8[/embedyt] Napoleon Hill spent 20 years researching some of the most successful and wealthy people in the world. What he found was that thoughts are things, and through the power of believing, one can achieve their desires. Look hard enough and you just may find the secrets to success! If you’re serious about having a better life and are looking for the ULTIMATE book for success, this is it. Seriously, if there’s one book […]
I first discovered Elliott Hulse a couple of years ago while looking for some fitness information, and after watching his videos for a bit I began to notice that he not only talked about fitness, weightlifting tips and yolked power-lifting type of stuff. He talked about the mental approach to succeeding in life, and talked about things much deeper than ‘How to Squat 500-Pounds.” At the time I discovered Elliott online I was stuck in […]
What is the Cayenne Pepper Diet As the name suggests, the cayenne pepper diet is based on a hot and spicy chili pepper that bears the same name. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center (UMM), Native Americans have used this pepper for about 9,000 years not only to treat various ailments but also as a pain reliever. The main ingredient in this pepper, capsaicin, is also widely used in Asian countries including China and Japan […]
Many of us find ourselves sitting in front of a computer screen throughout a large portion of our day, so we need to be very careful about how we spend our time. It’s so easy to get distracted by the latest viral video or some nonsense article that’s click bait just waiting for us. There are 86,400 seconds per day, and for us to reach the level of achievement that we aim for, it’s important […]