Travel the World While Building a Digital Marketing Business
Travel the World While Building a Digital Marketing Business

Picture This Lyric

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It’s all about finding projects, passions, labors of love, and things you enjoy in life. As I mentioned previously, I recently bought a new camera, which has helped fuel my passion for taking photos again. When I was younger, I always used to have my camera with me, and I even used it to make some pretty good money for awhile. But somehow, somewhere along the way, I let that passion turn to ash, instead of letting it continue to burn. Now that I’ve found this great sense of enjoyment again, I’ve started a new project called ‘Picture This Lyric,’ in which I combine my love for music, lyrics with my photography. There’s still lots to learn, but so far, I’m really enjoying this and I hope to continue to do this well into the future. Here are some of my first Picture This Lyrics!

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