It was quite the year in 2022 that included lots of travel with some incredible destinations along the way. It’s difficult to break it down to just 5, but it’s something I got to do. During this past year, I spent a month in Europe and then made several trips down to Mexico. Along the way, there were so many highlights that included great surprises, good company, great food, lots of miles walked, and an […]
My Journey
The first time I camped up at Dixon Lake was several months back and immediately I was shocked that I had never really explored this area of San Diego. There were lots of big trees, large campsites, a beautiful lake with open fishing, and a quiet getaway that’s just minutes from Escondido. Not too long after the first camping trip, I went straight onto the website and booked another site which had full hookups, great […]
No matter how much I travel and how much I see, I don’t think that I will ever be cured of my wanderlust and my desire to explore new and different parts of the world. I recently returned from a trip to the Mayan Riviera and the state of Quintana Roo where I saw the clearest blue waters and the whitest sand beaches I have ever seen. I witnessed my first cenote (a pit that […]
I woke up on Sunday morning, crawled off the couch, where I had spent the night and sluggishly made my way into the kitchen to make myself some coffee. For the last several weeks I have felt a little sluggish and had felt like I had fallen into some bad habits. Too much time was being spent watching television, going out for a few beers, and then grabbing a California burrito on the way home. […]
I spent so many years wondering what it would be like to not have to ask for a day off or put in for vacation time. I dreamed about being my own boss and not having to answer to anyone. It’s something that tugged at me for my entire working life and now I find myself laying in my foldout bed in my 17ft Jayco Camper Trailer named ‘Trigger,’ on a Tuesday evening after spending […]
Here we are many years after I started this website, and yet I still find myself coming back to this every so often. I’m still not quite exactly sure what I want this site to be, but it has always been a source of inspiration and aspirations. I’m not so naive to think that people can live a ‘worry free life,’ but I do think that it’s possible to change your situation, remove yourself from […]